Three pop-up milk cafés in Germany, powered by Medela

Coffee to go, a chance to breastfeed and a chat with like-minded individuals beckoned at four Medela opening events in Berlin, Munich, Hamburg and Vienna in November.
Medela Milchcafe

Coffee to go, a chance to breastfeed and a chat with like-minded individuals beckoned at four Medela opening events in Berlin, Munich, Hamburg and Vienna in November. Working closely with media partners like Brigitte MOM, Brigitte Academy, and Edition F, Medela Germany created "safe spaces" for women in all stages of family planning. The upshot was that breastfeeding, a career and an active lifestyle are very much compatible – given proper planning and realistic expectations.

Medela Milchcafe

Freestyle Flex: 4 cities in 5 days

Tying in with the launch of the new Freestyle Flex breast pump, Medela Germany opened three pop-up "milk cafés" in Berlin, Munich, and Hamburg (followed by a two-day event in Vienna) to start conversations and educate about lifestyles, careers, and breastfeeding. In 2019, moms no longer have to choose between having children or a career. They can have both or more and still feed their babies nature's best: their own mother’s milk; particularly since our products are designed to give the mums the flexibility to live their life the way it feels right for them.

Medela Milchcafe

On role models and pressure

Susann Hoffmann, co-founder of Edition F, pointed out: "The more we are able to express our own needs, the better we can respond to external expectations." She openly addressed the challenges she faced when returning to work six weeks after giving birth. Things often turned out differently than expected, Hoffmann said. There was a lot to organize, from childcare to breastmilk management. Thanks to breast pumps and a short commute to her office, she was able to juggle it all. Hoffmann also addressed the pressure moms often put themselves under. Excelling equally as a mother, romantic partner and a career woman is an impossible proposition, even if supposed role models in the media suggest otherwise. In the relaxed setting with babbling babies, crawling toddlers, and casual conversations held over coffee, a sense of community soon emerged.