Comparably awards Medela with Best CEO of 2022, based on employee feedback

Annette Brüls makes the top 100 list for best CEOs for 2022
Best CEO Annette Brüls

Medela CEO Annette Brüls has been awarded Best CEO by Comparably this year. Placing at #33 in the top 100 list, this recognition is based on anonymous employee sentiment ratings collected through the Comparably survey sent to Medela employees.

Employee feedback like this is just an example of why Annette’s leadership is valued with employees:

"[Medela leadership] is approachable and passionate about the Medela culture and mission. They challenge us all to be better leaders and think outside of the box.”

Earlier this year, Medela received an award for Best CEO of Women . Annette was also awarded Best CEO in 2021 and 2020.

Learn more about open positions at Medela.

View Medela’s Comparably profile. 

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