CEO Annette interviewed by Swiss business newspaper Handelszeitung

Annette sat down for an interview with local Swiss publication to talk about Medela, breastfeeding acceptance and work-life balance
Medela's CEO - Annette Bruels

Baar, Switzerland, August 10, 2023 – We are excited to share that Annette was recently interviewed by the Swiss business newspaper Handelszeitung. In the interview, Annette touched on a range of topics, from her career path as an electrical engineer turned CEO of global family-led medical device company, to the company’s dual focus on providing innovative breastfeeding solutions moms and delivering medical devices for hospitals, to the evolving landscape of breastfeeding acceptance and challenges that remain today. She concluded the interview by sharing her personal and Medela’s commitment to encouraging flexible workplace options and fostering an equitable, inclusive and diverse work environment.

You can read the full interview here: «Firmen sind verpflichtet, Frauen Stillpausen zu gewähren»