Effectively activating milk production in the early days and benefits of double expression

Tuesday, 30 May 2023

The evidence of pumping and hand expression in the early days post-partum

Initiating and building milk production is a profound process in which secretory activation plays an important role. We provide insight into what this is, how to support successful milk production during this critical period, and how to ensure effective milk production and breastfeeding for the long term .

Learning objectives

  • Lactation physiology in the transition from pregnancy to the early postpartum period and how it may be influenced by initiation behaviours
  • Understanding the importance of a vacuum-induced prolactin response
  • Learn about collecting colostrum
  • Compare the effectiveness and efficiency of MOM removal via electric breast pump versus hand-expression only techniques during this critical window
  • Have knowledge of evidenced-based best practices to ensure effective milk supply and breastfeeding 
  • Benefits of Double Expression


Event details


Duration    1 hour


Time          CET / CEST



Riva Fabiana, Education Manager at Medela

Riva Fabiana, Education Manager

Riva Fabiana is Education Manager and has been working at Medela Italy since 2020. Graduated in Medical Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine, she earned a Master in Healthcare Management. She has experiences in research and taught Chemistry and Biology.